O’ You Who Encounters a Delay in the Response to a Prayer, Consider this a Message from a Respected and Noble Scholar

Al-Imām, al-Hāfidh ibn Rajab al-Hambali, [may Allāh bestow mercy on him], said:

“When a Believer experiences a delay in relief, despite the abundance and earnestness of prayers, and the signs of a response do not manifest, they introspectively blame themselves, saying: ‘I come from you, and if goodness resided in me, I would have been answered.’

This self-blame is more beloved to Allāh than many acts of obedience, as it leads to humility before the Master and Protector (Allāh), acknowledging deserving trials and recognising the unworthiness of answered prayers. In this state, Allāh, Exalted be He, hastens to respond, alleviating the distress, for He is close to those with broken hearts.”

Jāmi’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Hikam, 1/494 | Al-Imām ibn Rajab al-Hambali, [may Allāh have mercy on him].

Translation: Authentic Quotes